Tweaking GraphQL Schema
Prisma-AppSync provides ways to tweak and customise the GraphQL Schema output.
👉 Models directives
Tweaking the GraphQL schema for a given model require to write directives via AST comments.
/// @gql(mutations: null, subscriptions: null)
model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String
👉 Usage with @gql syntax
Disable queries, mutations, or subscriptions
// Disable all queries, mutations and subscriptions
@gql(model: null)
// Disable all queries (get, list, count, ...)
@gql(queries: null)
// Disable all mutations (create, update, upsert, delete, ...)
@gql(mutations: null)
// Disable all subscriptions (onCreated, onUpdated, ...)
@gql(subscriptions: null)
Note: Only top-level rules on queries, mutations and subscriptions are supported.
Hide fields
// If applied to a model with a `password` field:
// hide `password` field from the generated Type
@gql(fields: { password: null })
Rename queries, mutations, or subscriptions
// If applied to `Post` model:
// rename default `listPosts` query to `posts`
@gql(queries: { list: "posts" })
// If applied to `Post` model:
// rename default `updatePost` query to `updateThePost`
@gql(mutations: { update: "updateThePost" })
// If applied to `Post` model:
// rename default `onCreatedPost` query to `afterCreatedPost`
@gql(subscriptions: { onCreated: "afterCreatedPost" })
Note: Only queries, mutations and subscriptions can be renamed.
Custom fields Scalars
// If applied to a model with a `website` (string) field:
// use scalar `AWSURL` instead of default `String`
@gql(scalars: { website: "AWSURL" })