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👉 Folder structure

Using the CLI Installer (recommended):

  |__ handler.ts  # lambda function handler (API resolver)
  |__ server.ts   # local server (for dev)
  |__ cdk/        # AWS CDK deploy boilerplate
  |__ prisma/
    |__ schema.prisma  # prisma schema (data source)
    |__ generated/     # auto-generated after each `npx prisma generate`

👉 Generating the API

Run the below command from the project root directory:

npx prisma generate

After each prisma generate, files inside prisma/generated will be auto-generated.

👉 Local dev server

Run the local server and try Prisma-AppSync locally (only if using the CLI Installer):

yarn run dev

This will automatically push your Prisma Schema changes to a SQLite database, as well as launch a local GraphQL IDE server (with auto-reload and TS support).

Released under the BSD 2-Clause License.