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Run the following command and follow the prompts 🙂

npx create-prisma-appsync-app@latest

🚀 Done!

👉 Option 2: Manual Install

Add prisma-appsync to your project dependencies.

# using yarn
yarn add prisma-appsync

# using npm
npm i prisma-appsync

Edit your schema.prisma file and add:

generator appsync {
  provider = "prisma-appsync"

Also make sure to use the right binary targets:

generator client {
  provider      = "prisma-client-js"
  binaryTargets = ["native", "rhel-openssl-1.0.x"]

Generate your Prisma Client (this will also generate your Prisma-AppSync client):

npx prisma generate

Create your handler.ts Lambda handler (AppSync Direct Lambda Resolver):

// Import generated Prisma-AppSync client (adjust path as necessary)
import { PrismaAppSync } from './prisma/generated/prisma-appsync/client'

// Instantiate Prisma-AppSync Client
const prismaAppSync = new PrismaAppSync()

// Lambda handler (AppSync Direct Lambda Resolver)
export const main = async (event: any) => {
    return await prismaAppSync.resolve({ event })

Either copy the AWS CDK boilerplate provided with Prisma-AppSync into your project, OR just use it as a reference for your own CDK config:

# path to cdk boilerplate

Refer to AWS CDK Toolkit docs ↗ for more info.

Released under the BSD 2-Clause License.